Experts in dust removal and flue gas cleaning.

Together we make the industry greener. A sustainable future is our vision. To get there, we are constantly optimizing our own operations and helping our customers develop theirs

Long industry experience

With 40 years of industry experience, we have a unique expertise in our delivery areas

Modern technology

We always use the newest technology in the industry to deliver quality in everything we do.


We can proudly say that we are an environmental technology company that really makes a difference.

Read about us here

Now you can read about our climate-smart products and services here in our new brochure.

Nice reading!

Our services and products

We carry out inspections and status assessments all the way from fuel management to chimney. Our inspectors are trained for high altitude repairs and carry out inspections both internally and externally. In our inspection reports, we provide a clear status assessment with possible proposals for further action and recommendations for process improvements.
Electrical inspection - Electric filter
Our electrical engineers do both electrical inspection and test out the best settings of, particularly, rectifiers and control unit.
Service and maintenance work
Our service department works in close collaboration with our customers to maximize the availability of the facility.
Electric filter Green-Tech
Our Green-Tech electric filter series can be used in almost all areas for flue gas purification and removal of particles.
Bag filter Green-FAB
We carry out inspections and status assessments of the entire flue gas line, from the boiler outlet to the chimney.
Sinter filter
In a sinter filter, the filtration is done through sintered elements which have many advantages over conventional filtration.
Orders in 3 years
Ton reduced CO2 2019
Years of experience

Some of our customers

A selection of customers who have chosen to place their trust in us.


Green solutions

A greener choice for finding the most climate smart solution that works both today and in the future.

About us

ECP Airtech are experts on industrial systems for handling of material, including wood chips, pellets and ash, as well as cleaning of dust and flue gases. We have a complete product range that includes electricity filters, bag filters and sinter filters.


Get in touch with us today

With offices in several locations in the country, we can quickly arrange a meeting if you want to know more about our products and services. Together we can minimize emissions

for a greener future.

Contact us

Submit your inquiry via the contact form below and we will contact you shortly!